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Glitzy Ghost Hunter

What's it all about

Glitzy Ghost Hunter (aka Helena) is the UK's premiere paranormal expert & beauty vlogger.

She set up the Glitzy Ghost Hunter channel with the aim of finding out whether there really is life after death and to give impartial make-up reviews and advice. The motto of the channel is "What Would Beyonce Do in The Exorcist?"

In her first video she kicks off the channel with an easy tutorial on achieving the make-up look worn by Bruce Willis in classic horror film "The Sixth Sense".

The series is a satire on vlogging culture and celebrity. As the series progresses, her elderly neighbour dies and she suddenly becomes the victim of a terrifying real-life haunting – but will she even notice when she's got mascaras to review? And more importantly, will she ever get the number of subscribers she wants?

If I can get some budget, then the plan would be to create more short videos where the paranormal activity around her gets increasingly scary, while the make-up reviews get increasingly flippant.


Mind Warp


1 Video
Mon 15 July 03:46pm
*Mini-Update* - Welcome to Absolute Hel
Want to see more content by me? Well, that's a stroke of luck, because I have many, many other YouTube channels, some of which are about me and run by me, and some which are highlights packages about other channels about and run by me! Woohoo!
Tue 02 July 04:37pm
Despite rumours circling that I am quitting my YouTube channel, I want to re-assure my fans that I am very much still on board! These rumours are just lies based on jealousy (and the fact that I did recently quit the channel for 2 years).
 Glitzy GIF
Fri 28 June 11:26am
*Mini-Update* - Make-up Launch News!!
Exciting news about my very first make-up launch, arriving in Autumn 2019 - all 100% ethical! (In that it's guaranteed not to accidentally summon the dead.) Plus all natural ingredients! Great news!
Tue 25 June 02:28pm
*Mini-Update* - Bruce Willis Update!
Following on from my breakthrough YouTube Make-up Tutorial where I taught you how to recreate the eye shadow look Bruce Willis wore in the film "The Sixth Sense", I have an exciting Bruce Willis update!!!
Sun 23 June 03:23pm
Happy Sunday! Hope you are having a great weekend. Remember, my no.1 tip for fighting malevolent spirits - or just relaxing - is to light a scented candle... 
Hunter GIF
Fri 21 June 10:51am
*Mini-Update* - Veganism & Ghost Hunting
Hello my lovely followers on Punkanary! Here is my first mini-update - answering a question I've been asked a lot: can you be Vegan and also a Ghost Hunter?! Relevant!!!!
Wed 19 June 05:51pm
Hi guys, look out for some brand new spooky updates from me over the next few weeks!! Including how-to tips about catering vegan seances and more Bruce Willis news. Thanks!!!!
There are no donations
Written & Produced by Clarissa Maycock

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

I would love to collaborate with other performers who could be guests on the Glitzy Ghost Hunter channel. If I could get enough collborators together I would like Glitzy Ghost Hunter to stream a live seance & makeover night on YouTube.
I would love to collaborate with other performers who could be guests on the Glitzy Ghost Hunter channel. If I could get enough collborators together I would like Glitzy Ghost Hunter to stream a live seance & makeover night on YouTube.