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What's it all about

Selcouth Show is an online comedy channel following three friends as they try to make it as the next big thing in sketch comedy. Some of our videos are straight sketches, others are more meta such as 'Fan Meet-Up' in which a meet and greet with the show's fanbase goes embarrassingly wrong.

Find additional examples of our work here:

House Viewing


In September 2020 we hope to film our first web series 'Benches'. Stuck in three dead end, uninspiring jobs, Calum, Joe and James look to find their own purpose by discovering the meaning of life and friendship - by finding the perfect bench.

The series will share a simialr feel to that of The Trip and gone Fishing with the latter of the two serving as inspiration for how the series will be shot. Conversations, comedy skits and voices will be intercut with shots of the river Thames, wildlife, people running, going about their daily lives etc. to give a real sense of setting and the piece of mind that the boys are ultimately after. Each episode will be put together so that audiences feel as if they are taking one deep, long breath for the duration of it. The episodes needn’t be lengthy. Benches should be a series that people can sit down and watch the whole of in one sitting.

For the series we'd love to have a female director and/or cinematography on board. So if there's anyone you know who may fit the bill, please get in touch by sending an email to joecook.cook@gmail.com.

EP.1 James and Calum meet on a bench and have a surprisingly relaxing and thought provoking experience. Is it the bench, is it the company or is it both - who knows? They make a pact to endeavour to find the perfect bench on the Thames, calling Joe to share their brand new masterplan. Joe is feeling unwell and immediately dislikes their idea (as per usual) but reluctantly decides to join the pair. There the three of them sit, chewing the fat as the size of the task and the potential rewards begins to dawn upon them.


The trio find a bench, they talk and watch the world go by. It’s a great bench. All seems well until a stranger decided to sit down next to them and decides to impart unwelcomed life advice and won’t take the boys many hints to leave them be. Joe’s illness is persistent, we see signs of it but it is barely mentioned by either of them.


The boys find their stride within their plan. They come across a bench that could be THE bench, the Holy Grail, Indiana Jones’s crystal skull, Harry Potter’s TriWizard Cup, However someone else has already claimed this bench. They discuss options to relieve the bench of the unwanted party. Joe’s cough may be the final nail in the coffin. They sit on what is the best bench yet. The trio talk some more, is this it? Have they found it? Just as all seems well and there endeavour seemingly is coming to a close, Joe’s cough spikes and spikes hard. Joe collapses off the Bench. We see the other two look at Joe’s lifeless body lying on the ground beside the Thames. The style here should be underplayed and not realistic.


This episode simply opens on a bench at a graveyard with James and Calum wearing black suits. It is Joe’s funeral but this is never explicitly acknowledged. The rest of this episode plays out with just James and Calum talking about the ceremony, we shouldn’t feel them grieving, simply the two of them enjoying another conversation between friends on another bench this time not overlooking the Thames.


James and Calum decide to carry on finding the perfect bench. We see more conversations between the two of them play out. At the very end of the episode, Joe sits in between the both of them as if nothing has changed. Because it hasn’t, not really, their friendship has always and will always be paramount in life and in death.


This episode should feel like the first and second episode. Three friends, talking, doing bits of comedy, enjoying the view in front of them. We could possibly look back on the series as a whole but ultimately on the last shot of the episode we should see Joe is no longer there.




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