Comedy on demand. Made by the Crowd.
The Ghost Dogs of Edinburgh Castle have to come up with a plan to prevent the bi...
2020 Showcase - Animation
A dark satire on the endless Android vs iPhone debate, with a pointed nod to Cry...
Collaboration Needed
Sketchy 1 Fans
Based on a weekly webcomic of the same name, 'Uneasy Going' is an animated sketc...
Collaboration Needed
2020 Showcase - Animation 1 Fans
Ode to My Bra is the first in a selection of songs about the turbulent minutiae...
2020 Showcase - Music 2 Fans
BS"DThe music video for Bizzarro Bill entilted "Blockchain". Philly Philly Y'all...
2020 Showcase - Music
"How To Draw An Elephant" is a collaboration by Joz Norris (writer/performer) an...
Collaboration Needed
2020 Showcase - How To
This was a collaboration with Michael Hughes(Alpha Wolf) and myself. In the curr...
Collaboration Needed
2020 Showcase - How To
Finally an app for hate speech! "Grammar Nazi" is a parody video of the Grammarl...
2020 Showcase - How To 2 Fans
Comedy on demand. Made by the Crowd.