Like all creative arts, comedy is open to subjective opinions. That’s why you shouldn’t be discouraged if not everyone loves your script. Here are two amazing examples of script readers who passed on comedy shows that turned out to be huge hits, showing why it really is important that you keep going if you have something […]
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Sketch, Please! is an open forum for writers and performers to take part in a monthly comedy sketch show. Send your script and the guys at Podcast Adventures will produce, perform and record the script for the world to hear on their monthly podcast! You also have the chance to record the show as a performer. Here are the submission guidelines: WRITERS […]
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Making a great comedy show requires the writing, acting and production to all work well together. Each one is equally important and if any are not right then the show won’t work. So what does this mean for someone starting out with no expertise in one or more of these areas? If you keep it simple, […]
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This is a rallying cry to all comedy creators to think innovatively. So many TV comedies, particularly in the UK, fall into the category of the ‘stand-up written sitcom’ – a comedian with an established profile gets bored of the panel show scene and decides to spread their creative wings. Except they don’t. They simply […]
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Many people dream of writing comedy as a career, but very few do it straight out of school. What if you want to write but have a job to work around? Realistically you aren’t going to be handing in your notice immediately so here’s 5 tips to make it work. Keep an ideas book with […]
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Avalon television invited submissions from comedy writers for a new satire show to be hosted by Matt Forde. The 31st January 2016 deadline for entries has now passed. Click here to find out how we make sure you stay up to date with all the latest comedy writing opportunities like this one.
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Behind every great venture there is a personal story. This may or may not be true, but it works well for an intro to this blog so please accept it. We want to tell you our story and why we founded The Comedy Crowd. Peter and I wrote a sitcom together. Like many old friends and comedy […]
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