Understanding your show and your fans

What’s the big idea?

You know your comedy idea is damn good. But to find out who your true fans are, you need to think about your show in a different way.

Who are the people, places, and groups that will give you a try when they’ve never heard of you? What makes your show unique? Who does it make fun of and who does it support?

Click here for a detailed example of how you could think about this as a creator of The Simpsons.

One of the most unique aspects of The Simpsons is that it’s a cartoon, made when adult cartoons weren’t really a thing. So instead of saying everyone will like and relate to this, Matt Groening and co could focus on comic book fans, adults who appreciate old cartoons like the Flintstones.

Also consider This Country – Modern UK sitcom set in the Cotswolds. There has never been a sitcom about life in the Cotswolds! So that’s a unique feature with a prime target audience waiting to see something funny about their world.

Who are your fans?

OK so you’ve got one or two groups of possible fans in mind for your show. Now think about where they live, where they hang out, what they care about.

Let’s take the Simpsons again.

We’ve chosen fans of adult animated cartoons, which was very niche back in 1990. These people are likely to be predominantly male, maybe read printed animation such as comic books, and are part of fan groups for other animated shows, even nostalgic kids cartoons.

They like things that are quirky and rare, maybe attend nostalgic events, also like sci-fi cult movies. This gives Matt Groening and co a great starting point to reach those fans in online groups, printed magazines, and organised conventions.

And This Country

This is a real life example. The creators embraced The Cotswolds locals as potential big fans of the show and invited local residents to live recordings and screenings. They then helped share the show and make it a hit.

The takeaway is this – don’t target everyone. Focus on the characteristics of your show that a group of fans will love and will give you a try even though they don’t know you. This is where you will find your first 10 fans.

Now onto making the funny stuff