Comedy Crowd TV April Industry Pick – Michael Spicer
Each month a figure from the comedy industry runs the rule over the fresh new comedy shows featured on Comedy Crowd TV. April’s pick was chosen by Head of Comedy Entertainment at UKTV, Iain Coyle, who cast his eye over the “Sketch” shows on the channel and selected Michael Spicer!
Michael has produced a series of sketches called ‘The Madonna Front Door Tweet Man Show’. His work is smart, relatable and brilliantly performed.
Michael releases new sketches each week on Comedy Crowd TV, where fans can follow him and watch his new content first.

Michael responded:
“I’m hugely appreciative of Iain’s time and I’m very glad he enjoyed my stuff. A lot of people say the sketch show is dead but I just think it’s different now. There are more people out there writing and making their own sketches now than there’s ever been so the art of the sketch is very much alive.”
“It’s true there are fewer opportunities to make sketch shows on TV but social media has given funny people the opportunity to reach audiences and make headway in the industry. If you make a viral sketch, you could achieve international acclaim in a matter of minutes. I remember a sketch of mine going viral once and just through the location of the followers, I could track how it was spreading across the world.”
“For me, sketches are weird sods. They pop into my head (fully formed most of the time) and demand to be written. And they don’t leave till I’ve made them and posted them on Twitter. I’ve always made sketches but it wasn’t until Vine came along and showed me what you could do in six seconds that I realised how liberating they could be. You didn’t need props, fancy cameras and a stellar cast. Just a good joke. Limmy did most of his Vines in his bedroom, a lot of the time still in bed.”
“That’s when the ideas started to coming. And they haven’t really stopped.”
“I’m very happy Comedy Crowd TV has come along because it not only recognises this online talent and is championing it but on a personal level it’s also given me focus. I’m older than the internet which means I was there at the beginning, so up until now my sketches have been scattered all over the web on various defunct platforms. Now with Comedy Crowd TV I have an umbrella under which I can put all my ‘content’. I’ve never really had that before. It’s like I have a show now. And I do, in fact.”
Michael’s new sketch show is being shown exclusively on the Comedy Crowd TV channel, a new channel dedicated to comedy where fans can see the best new shows first and interact directly with the creators. Access costs only £12 for a whole year and you will be directly supporting independent creators like Michael. Click here to find out more.