Q&HA! The Question Tools For Comedy

Get inspiration for your comedy writing from Chris Head, comedy coach, teacher and author of “Creating Comedy Narratives for Stage & Screen” in engaging 10 minute episodes. Each episode gives you a question to chew over that will inspire. Produced in association with Comedy Crowd. Comedy Crowd listeners can receive discounts and special offers on Chris’ acclaimed courses and one-to-one coaching.
Listen now on Spotify, Apple and Amazon!
Chris can work with you on your comedy writing (stand-up, sketch, sitcom and more) and can also coach performance and speaking.
10% off your booking by entering COMCROWD when you fill in the enquiry form.
More info https://www.chrishead.com/directing.
Live interactive Zoom course
Join a great group and get inspiration and learn techniques for writing (and making!) TV, Social Media, Live and Radio comedy sketches – you can focus on the areas that most interest you.
£10 off by entering COMCROWD when you fill in the booking form. (Normally £125)
More info & booking https://www.chrishead.com/post/write-inspired-comedy-sketches-zoom-course
If you want to try stand-up in London, this is an inspiring, friendly place to learn how and to develop your creativity and performance skills in ways you never thought possible.
Pay FULL FEE (£250) and enter code COMCROWD to receive a free 30 minutes online one-to-one session on your act
Course info:
6.30pm – 8.30pm,
Mondays 9th January to 27th February 2023*
@ Theatre Deli, 107 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 4AF
* no class 20th Feb half-term
And THE SHOW is 3pm on Sunday 5th March @ Museum of Comedy, Bloomsbury, LONDON
Full info & booking https://www.chrishead.com/post/about-my-stand-up-comedy-classes