
By Peter Wright

15 Chorts! showcasing new comedy characters have been selected to be screened at the Craft of Comedy UK on 31st March – 1st April 2017. There were over 100 submissions in the first month and the standard was high, so some really promising characters only just missed out. In this post we’re going to share what the very best entries did to get the nod (check out all 15 here).

Chorts! are 2 minute videos of original comedy characters. Anyone can submit one and it’s free,  We screen the best Chorts! at festivals and bring them to the attention of producers, commissioners and agents. To read more on why they are a great way to get your comedy noticed check out this post.

5 Things You Need For A Great Chort!

1. A Distinctive Character

Selected Chorts all had original traits and flaws. It sounds obvious to say, but the starting point for a good character is to define what makes them unique and interesting. Comedy audiences are very quick to spot derivations (how often have characters been said to have ‘something of David Brent’ about them) and so creating something completely ‘fresh’ takes hard work. Here are some resources to help you create your character.

2. Simple and straight to the point

Having a distinctive character only works if you communicate to your audience quickly why they should be interested. It’s important to keep it simple and engage them quickly. Be clear about what makes your character funny, and get straight to it!

3. Creative use of the Chort format

Selected Chorts explored creative ways to show the character at its best.  They introduced an interaction, put them in an interesting situation, or used props effectively. There are limitations to a ‘to camera’ monologue, though it has been done very effectively, so make sure you’re using all the tools available.  Check out how Rob Morgan did just that in his Chort! below:

4. A great performance

There were examples of good writing that wasn’t portrayed to its best in performance. We aren’t all performers, but many actors are looking for good writers to work with. If you’d like to write a Chort! to be performed by a pro why not check out our Chort! Writing Competition.

5. Get in the mind of a producer

Does the character have a limited scope? Could you put that character in other interesting situations or interactions.  Some of the best Chorts! had characters that have comic potential in many different settings, whereas in others the character was a vehicle for a single (and often very funny) sketch. Sean Burke’s Chort! is an example of a character that has great scope.

So keep those great Chorts coming! We’ll continue to watch each one that comes through and by gaining likes and shares you can move your Chort! up the page and get noticed. There will also be some more exciting screening opportunities this year.