by Jon Baker (@thecomicaldoc) I’ve not made it yet by a long shot but I have now made something! It feels good. I’ve learned an incredible amount doing it…and the thing is …one thing leads to another in this writing business. It’s like a long chain of events! I’ll come back to what I made […]
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By Making Faces – Sketch Comedy Troupe “No man is an island.” So begins John Donne’s poem and concludes Hugh Grant in About a Boy. That’s why sketch writing is the highest form of comedy. Not many people will tell you that – least of all ‘umble sketch comedy troupes like us. But it’s true. […]
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By Stefan Gibbons-Arif I have written words that people (sometimes comedians, sometimes puppets) have said on TV and Radio and for the most part got paid for it, but I’m not really a professional fancy pants writer. I work as a freelance Assistant Producer in comedy television and Children’s comedy. Fortunately, I’ve been able to […]
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Our latest Show Your Funny forum challenge was to write an amusing article to go with this image and headline: “Cats Better At Selfies Than Humans Study Shows” Check out the best entries: Simon the Mighty (Simon Wiedemann): Many cats are taking selfies, but why? Scientists hypothesise that they aim to get into modeling, after hearing […]
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By Simon Paul Miller (with additional material from Jeremy Miller) Mel Helitzer states there are six essential ingredients for humour. I’m not convinced that every joke has all six of these ingredients, but I do think it could be a useful concept to assess and improve my jokes. Mel has an acronym to remember these ingredients, […]
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By Daniel Page. So you wanna be a boxer comedy writer? Congratulations that’s great news! But where should you start? There’s over 30 different aspects I could share with you, covering everything from punchlines to sound effects to the correct density of custard pies, but it’s probably best that I start you off with the […]
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By Shem Pennant of Amelia Comedy Wanna make a webseries? We did and had a blast doing it. 2 Standup Comedians Living in a Flat is an 8 episode web series about exactly what you think it is. We made it all in one location, with a skeleton crew and minimal budget and thought we’d […]
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I have just finished reading John Cleese’s autobiography “So, Anyway…” As an aspiring comedy writer, it is one of the most inspiring books I have ever read. Cleese succeeded because he followed his ‘passion’ for comedy, and his story contains some great advice for comedy writers and performers. There are 7 lessons that remain fundamental […]
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Newsjack is back for another 6 week run giving comedy writers of any level of experience the chance to submit sketches and one-liners (and get paid for them!). Newsjack is a satirical news show aired on BBC Radio 4 Extra, hosted by Nish Kumar. It’s now into its 15th season and continues to pride itself on […]
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Channel 4 comedy are opening the 2016 submission window for “Comedy Blaps” from 1st September, but this is more than just another submission window. This represents a shift in the way comedy is developed, and a link to the modern way in which media is consumed. We have all heard about scientific studies on our ever decreasing […]
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By Adam Martin The only lengthy thing I’ve ever been proud of owning is my list of heroes. The list is exclusively funny people and since I became aware of them I’ve wanted to join them. So over the last year and a bit I’ve been trying stand up comedy after decades of putting it […]
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The Freedom of Mind Festival is on the lookout for original, quirky and comedically diverse scripts to be performed as part of a live comedy showcase in Bristol. The evening is to raise awareness of mental health issues and get people talking about it. The pieces don’t need to have a huge lesson of morality […]
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