
Comedy podcast open for submissions

Sketch pleaseSketch, Please! is an open forum for writers and performers to take part in a monthly comedy sketch show. Send your script and the guys at Podcast Adventures will produce, perform and record the script for the world to hear on their monthly podcast! You also have the chance to record the show as a performer.

Here are the submission guidelines:


There are several segments to submit for.

  1. Sketches: A straight up, radio-play comedy sketch for a cast of up to 2 men and 2 women. Keep them short and sweet. 2-3 minutes of mirth per sketch.
  2. Soapbox Monologues: A 2 minute character monologue. Maybe topical? Maybe with a celebrity? Definitely fun!
  3. Answers Corner: Dealing with one of life’s big questions? Rubbish at being a human being? Submit a question to our Answers Corner and receive some unsound advice from our aunt in agony.
  4. The News As You Know It: Got a fun view on current affairs? Submit a report (satirical or otherwise) to our news programme.

Just email your sketch with the title Sketch: <Insert Title Here> to mail@podcastadventures.com specifying in the message which segment you are submitting to.


Would you like to take part in the recording of Sketch, Please? Be you a writer, voice actor or comedian, send your info with the title Performer: <Your Name Here> to mail@podcastadventures.com and we’ll be in touch if we have right role for you!



Comedy writers wanted for BBC2 satire show

Avalon television invited submissions from comedy writers for a new satire show to be hosted by Matt Forde. The 31st January 2016 deadline for entries has now passed.

Click here to find out how we make sure you stay up to date with all the latest comedy writing opportunities like this one.