Now you understand your fans, it’s time to go where they hang out and share your show.
And before we enter this murky world don’t forget the most important thing, make this fun for you and your team!
Stay in the moment and do what feels natural. This is rule number 1.
OK enough pep talk.
The social channels
Let’s start with social media (if that word gives you goosebumps and makes your hair stand on end, don’t worry. You’ve always got your Punkanary page that you control and this is a fresh start for everyone. Breathe and carry on).
There are lots of different social media platforms, but the one you care about is the one your fans use most.
We all know about the biggest social media channels :

Don’t try to do everything and overwhelm yourself. You want to go with the main platform where you can reach your fans.
Get to know how that platform works, what type of content does well on there, and who are the influencers for your true fans.
Influencers are people with a big following who fit the bill of your true fans on this platform.
You should also choose a platform where you are comfortable posting the type of content required. It’s no good getting stuck into Instagram if you’ve got no visual pictures to show off your comedy!
Making content
When you’ve chosen your platform, it’s time to post content on there. Think about:
– What will excite your fans and get across the humour of your show?
– How frequently will you share content and why?
– What content can you share from other people that will be relevant to your show?
Let’s throw in a few examples.
If you’ve decided to focus on football fans for your show, you could create a character persona on Twitter and post in the voice of that character. E.g. Then be sure to post during an important moment that would be relevant to your characters or show e.g. during a World Cup match.
For a show like People Just Do Nothing appealing to Garage music fans, make short videos of the characters doing their thing and include garage music bands with a following in the videos. They will share it on their YouTube channel, or you can share it with their Facebook groups or pages.
Calling your fans to Punkanary
Sharing this content is all well and good, but the most important thing is that if someone sees and likes what you are doing, they know to come and follow you on Punkanary to build up your fan base.
It’s no good having hundreds of people see your thing and then never connect with you again.
You should have a clear shout out, saying that they can see more of this and get involved in the show on Punkanary TV, with a link to find your page there. You can also make this funny and consistent with the voice of your content.
When you’ve started bringing your first fans to Punkanary, the next step is to make sure they have an awesome experience there.
Get the party started by clicking right here.